Tuesday, July 19, 2016

dissertation idea - sexually unsatisfied

misogyny can be interpreted as an attempt to reorganize erotic field, and redistribute erotic capital?
involuntary celibacy, or unsatisfied with sexual life:  within the perspective of sexual life history (life course perspective; cumulative dis/advantages) <- br="" course.="" gendered="" life="">
You can measure their emotional conditions : how they relate their erotic capital (bodies) to their mental status (soul) (medical sociology)<- br="" medical="">
i) Here, how they define themselves as a wo/man, as a (sexual) citizen, having rights and pleasure. <- br="" politics="" sexual="">(sexual politics) - Foucault
ii) (economic sociology) the very particularity of erotic capital in the market of romance!! Koreans have vast segregated markets for the couples and the singles. & the prevailing sex industry field undiscriminating the singles and the occupied. Conflict or negotiation between the sex industry field and the romance field  -- how can it be re/distributed? - Bourdieu

Where are erotic capitals are re/distributed? What do you define as 'sexual fields'? How do they realize the level of their erotic capital, with which interactions within which fields? How do they restructure their erotic capital?
by active seeking and self-development: willing to pay
hierarchy of match-making agencies : Duo vs. Re-marriage vs. Vietnamese bride (changing the field)
plastic surgery, pick-up artist academy (transforming economic capital into erotic capital)
by giving up: cost-saving
(in)voluntary celibacy, sex industry,

What's special with <- and="" br="" gayle="" in="" levi-strauss="" rubin="" traffic="" women="">erotic capital? It disappears as one ages.

1)cultural capital
2)economic capital
3)social capital

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